Sunday 30 September 2012

Ahh - The life of a dog!

I've had a great day! I've chatted with other dogs (which I never get to do at home) and I even got to play with one weird dog (he doesn't like children). And the pats, oh the pats! My boss has walked me around and chatted with people about all kinds of stuff! Why can't there be a gem festival everyday?? The people I've met have been kind and friendly and oh so willing to pat me!

My boss did good in bringing me out today! The day has been beautiful and sunny with a nice breeze! I've had bits of snacks and all sorts!

Oh what a day! I would certainly recommend going to the Emmaville GemFest again! (I'm hoping that my big biss will say yes to tomorrow being here! And maybe tomorrow the cat can come too!)

Now I'm going to go have a nap!

Have a happy waggy tailed day!


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